Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions or FAQ usually cover all the possible general inquiries which any user may have in mind. 

For any further clarification you can always contact our service agent.

FAQ frequently asked questions on new day ad

Yes, you can post 3 regular ads for free on new day ad website.

Your regular free ad will be valid / live on New Day Ad for 28 days.

All users must be registered in order to enjoy any of the services offered by our website.

Its very simple after completing the  registration process you can immediately start selling your products / services, just create a good listing and you are good to go...!

Absolutely not its very simple, choose the right category, select your location, punch in details and upload good quality images that matches your product / service details.

Yes! as New Day Ad is a general public website, therefore is important to maintain all content (should be acceptable to general society standards) review it, before going live. 

It usually takes less than 12 hours to approve any ad going public.

It usually takes less than 12 hours to approve any ad going public.

You will be receiving an email notification from our side that your ad is live.


Yes, you can always edit or delete your ad through your my account dashboard in my listings tab.

Yes, you can always edit  your live ad but it will again go under review process for general community guidelines, before going live again.

There is no complexion for our side to buy a paid package. Your free ad quota will renew automatically after every 28 days. 

Unfortunately no, store setup feature is only available with monthly paid membership packages.

Yes, you can boost your ad even with out buying a monthly membership package. Please see details below:

regular promotion